Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas

If you are like us, you spent this past weekend binging on Christmas movies on ABC Family! Jeremy and I have had the plague for about a week and a half now. And when I say plague, I really mean bronchitis. With it's wonderful horrendous cough that has kept us awake most nights, and the wonderful mucus coming out of our noses and throats. It was fun. So we really needed a weekend of relaxation and rest,considering I still felt like I was dying. I still have that raspy quality to my voice from all the coughing. Tis the season, I suppose.

Now that I am FINALLY starting to feel human again, and rested! I am so super excited for Christmas! From Thanksgiving to New Years is my fave time of the year! I just enjoy what the season brings, and the feel of giving and being around loved ones. I literally cannot stand to wait for people to open their presents from me. It normally isn't much, and I don't spend a ton of money but I am always so excited! I have all these amazing gifts under my tree for our friends and family, and I've been DYING literally dying for everyone to recieve and open their presents. Now, for my friends and family who live in other states, we all know how terrible I am about mailing things out (Sorry Daddy)-I am equally excited for you guys to get your gifts, I just haven't mailed them yet!

I did 97% of all of my Christmas shopping online this year! THANK YOU PINTEREST AND ETSY! The only stores that I actually purchased gifts from were TJ MAXX and the Dollar Tree! I did not, however, get out my Christmas Cards this year. I was on it with the presents, seeing as how they were all bought by December. But my Christmas Cards, are still sitting in the box with my address book, pen, and stamps! Oops sorry guys, maybe next year! I was lucky enough to have all of my Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving (Stop judging me, we went out of town the weekend after so we had to decorate early). Here are a few of those pics:

With all of that said, I'd like to reflect on the resason for the Season for a moment. With the hooplah that Christmas has turned into, all the give me give me attitudes, all the sales and the fighting that happens for something that isn't even being sold at that good of a price. I think as a whole our society has lost sight of what Christmas is really about! It isn't about Santa Claus and what he's bringing me. It's about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! It's about giving, and being with family! And it's about loving each other. I was lucky enough to be able to go out into Charleston, with my coworkers for an evening of doing Random Acts of Kindness, and yes I said lucky. Because, I was able to spend my time and my money, to do for others. People who don't even know me. I also did a Secret Santa type thing for a family. I am lucky to do these things, because I have a job and the means to do a little bit for my community. It also made me incredibly happy to do for those who could do nothing for me in return.

"But the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid, for look I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord, was born for you in the City of David. This will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough." Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to the people He favors!" Luke 2:10-14

And on that note, I'd like to wish all of you my precious readers a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for reading my ramblings over the last year! I am incredibly grateful that you choose to spend some of your time, reading my random thoughts! Merry Christmas to you and your families!

Please enjoy my favorite Christmas song of all time, love this version!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Domestic Goddess? I could be...

I believe I asked my mother this very question, a few hundred times. This is still a question I ask myself daily! How do I do that? How do I get that stain out? How do I combat mildew in the bathroom? The "how do I " questions are endless!

Thanks to Pinterest, I've discovered a new love for cooking and baking!  The last couple of weeks I've made at least one real homemade meal, and when I say homemade I mean literally homemade.  Fresh veggies, standing in front of the stove cooking, chopping veggies, making chicken stock, etc... It's definitely a good way to promote a healthier lifestyle in our home! 

Tonight's spread was Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup! I have to say, I've been impressed with myself!  Especially with last weeks spaghetti squash meal! 
Which I was incredibly impressed with, as was the hubby! I wish I had taken a better photo than what I got of it, everything on the plate looked bland and gross so I'll show you the prep pics instead: 

discovered a local farmers market that made me so incredibly happy! I was like a kid in a candy store, just ask Lauren (who was on the phone with me the entire time).  I will say, I found it difficult to cut open the spaghetti squash, I was scared I was going I chop my fingers off or my entire hand for that matter!

Now the rest of the housewifing, I find trouble with. It seems the cleaning is never ending!  Why haven't they invented homes that clean themselves yet!? There are days where I find myself proud of how hard I worked on the house and of how much I was a me to get done.  Then there are other days where the couch and our packed DVR are much more appealing! Sometimes the motivation just isn't there!  I've found and even printed out cleaning schedules from Pinterest, they just get shoved behind other things on the fridge! I'm definitely better than I used to be, but have a looooooong way to go with the whole Dosmetic Goddess business! 

What are some of your "Domestic Goddess" secrets? 


Thursday, October 10, 2013

August 17, 2006

So I came across this blog trend via one of my favorite bloggers, and thought it was a nifty way to take a trip down memory lane... So here goes...

Feelin' 21 Link Up
Disclaimer: I absolutely HATE the song that is referenced in this "grab button" i puke a little in my mouth every time it comes on. I did not create this button and do not claim ownership. Also, to any family reading this post, I'm really sorry. 

I celebrated turning 21 for a good 3 years before I turned 21! HA! I kid I kid! But in reality, I did have a fake ID for around 5 months before I turned 21. ALL of my friends, including my boyfriend were 21 or older at that time in 2006! Sooo I spent many evenings in my boyfriend's Clemson apartment looking like this:...
This was my junior year, I think ;-) 

The boyfriend and our friends graduated May 2006, and dispersed throughout the country to begin their adult lives, probably the most boring summer of my college years. I can't lie. Towards the end of July 2006, I flew to San Diego where Jeremy was living at the time: while there, I enjoyed some nice visits with my dad (who still lives in San Diego) and visits with my man. The last night of my trip we went to this really wicked cool place, I forget the name (sorry), I didn't drink there of course but it was my way of enjoying some birthday festivities with my dad and boyfriend since they weren't going to make it all the way to SC for the actual day. Here are those photos: 
Yes, those are straws in my hair...I believe the waitress thought it would make for a great hair do...who knows...

August 17, 2006
Then came my actual birthday, the day that it was actually legal for me to consume alcohol! After classes, my family and best friends took me to the grand ole city of Easley where we got a big table at Applebee's! At the time, that was the closest thing to a favorite restaurant I had! This night was relatively tame, considering I had classes the next morning. 
My first legal drink, I believe it was a bahama mama (stop judging me, yes I'm wearing the same outfit in this photo as those above, this was my fave outfit back then).

Now the evening where I do believe before the end of dinner I was blackout wasted. I don't have many of those photos anymore, they used to be on my Myspace, yes I had Myspace I was a classy broad.  Anyways, the evening started out pretty tame with dinner, then some guy started buying me shots, I don't remember eating dinner. We went to a few bars downtown Greenville, where lots of older gentlemen kept filling me with lemon drops, lots of lemon drops. I also need to add, it wasn't just my 21st we were celebrating we were also celebrating my best friend Holly's 21st as well! She was also getting her fill of lemon drops. Somehow, because I don't remember, we managed to get to this place called the Blind Horse, save the judgement you know you want to go there! I don't remember all of the details there, but do remember Holly barfing in the parking lot, but she manned up and continued partying! Go girl! I also remember losing my shoes, and my beer several times. And if you know me, and you know that I was consuming beer you know that I was far away in blackout land! I don't remember what we did after that or how we got home! I would say that it was a successful 21st birthday party, enjoy these last few very tame photos! If I happen to stumble across a disc (yes I said disk) of any old photos I'll be sure to post them! 
Why yes, I did wear a tiara! How else was I supposed to get those free lemon drops?
The other birthday girl Holly, on the left. 

The only image I know of from inside a bar somewhere. 

P.S. I'd really love to be that skinny again.... 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Foremulating Pattie

Yes! I have revamped my blog with a new name, and a new layout! What do y'all think? My good friend William, helped me come up with the new name, he also helped with the revamping process! 

Do you like the play on the word "formulating"? It was changed to incorporate my last name! William came up with it, it's pretty fitting if you ask me! 

The definition for the word Formulate is: to create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal).  Synonyms: devise, conceive, form, produce, concoct, prepare, develop...

So with that definition in mind, the new title means that I am a being in development! People change every day, they grow intellectually and emotionally every day, and we also grow physically!  Especially if you're like me and you see your waistline expanding everyday hehehe! 

Be patient with me as I decide what to write about, and how quickly it comes to you! Let me know what you think about the changes! 


Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Our Anniversary Weekend!

Hi y'all! Yes, I know I've fallen off the face of the Earth!  It has been a hot minute since I posted, but ya know life got in the way! Life in the form of work, colds, and injuries! Vacations and weddings! Life has been good, so I really shouldn't complain.

First and foremost, I am not going into what our plans are for this milestone! 1 whole year if marriage! What? Who'd have thunk it 9 years ago, I'd be meeting the love of my life, who would later be my husband!?! 

I am also Not going to go into my feelings from the last year, that will be for my next post! Just wanting to make sure you know I am here, alive and kickin', and going to give you a major big post on Sunday!! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Going on a girls trip, no hubby allowed

Okay, my husband is allowed to come, but seeing as how I am headings to Atlanta on Wednesday to go to a New Kids on the Block concert, I don't think he really would want to be there!

As you've seen previously, I am a total fan girl! I love me some boy bands! So with that said, I really don't think my husband would find it very attractive, me fangirling that is.  He also doesn't really care for boy bands, except maybe Hanson (I found his Hanson cd hiding in his cd collection right after we got married). I'm not one of those crazy fangirl types, I mean I'm sure my friends and family may disagree with that statement, you see I was convinced once upon a time that I was going to marry Taylor Hanson, then I moved on and was determined to marry Nick Carter- neither of those happened. 

Not only is this trip about this concert, but it is also about doing a bunch of things that the hubby wouldn't normally enjoy! For example, going on a Gone With The Wind Tour, World of Coca Cola, tour of the Aquarium (okay Jeremy would like that). And also I am just really looking forward to enjoying some quality girl time with my girl Lauren! I'm really excited to have some days off work too! Check back soon, I will have some photos and lots of stories to post next week! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Sell Mary Kay

About two weeks ago, Jeremy and I talked about an opportunity that had arisen for me to sell Mary Kay.  You see, this is an area my thoughts had dabbled in for a couple of months now, a friend if mine used to sell it and now only uses it for the discounts. So I had talked to her extensively about it, and then one day a lady named Melissa walks into work.  Melissa you see is a top tier Pink Cadillac driving Mary Kay director! This girl knows what she's doing, so I decided to pick her brain. The next day, I signed up as a brand new Mary Kay Consultant, and ordered my Starter Kit! 

When it came in, I got ridiculously excited! Here is this golden opportunity to a) make good money on the side b) meet new women and make them feel beautiful and get them involved with this amazing company that is all about empowering women and c) discounts on makeup! 

I ordered my inventory and set a date for my very first party! My inventory came in last night, and my first party is Saturday!  We are currently swimming in a sea of pink in black at our home! hehehe poor J! I am beyond excited, and I hope some of you are willing to join me on this journey! Either by hosting a party, which gets you great prizes and discounts off products, or by signed up as a team member with me! Who doesn't want to have fun, feel beautiful and empowered, and help change the lives of other women?! I am stoked! Please feel free to check out my website:

To peruse products, or if you're thinking about joining you can also get great information there as well! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

I Want Babies...But Not Right Now

It seemed the second after we said "I Do", and possibly even before; that people started asking us when we were going to start having babies! 

Jeremy's response is always the same, "I want them soon!" And I'm all like, "Whaaaaaa!??" And I also think I scrunch up my face like I am in some kind of horrible pain! 

Now now now, don't get me wrong! I most definitely want babies, I want a brood of them! I especially want some fat roly poly babies! But right now, my life is too hectic to really have a small human attached to my boob 24/7! 

I get my kiddo and baby fix, whenever I babysit and let me just tell you I babysit some of the most stinkin cute kids on the planet! So I get my fix for now, plus we have nieces and nephews, so that's enough for now! 

And yes, my future children will be wearing onesies with Harry Potter references thanks to their Uncle Robby, who got mommy hooked on Harry Potter!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Never Let Your Husband Drive Your Car to theGrocery Store

So for my very first blog, I will enlighten you on a little lesson I learned today, and boy did I learn it the hard way. 

Yesterday, the hubs and I hosted breakfast at our home for his Clemson college buddies, who were all in town for a wedding we attended on Saturday evening.  I needed a few things from the grocery store, so I dragged my hungover ass out of the bed, and to the grocery store. Make it home to realize someone has already arrived, so I let us both in the house, only to realize we needed more coffee! We were completely out, so I sent Jeremy back to the store. 

We go on with our day, and evening.  Take our tired butts on to bed, Jeremy gets up today to go to work, and I stay in bed and lounge about until it's time for me to go to work.  So around 1:15 this afternoon I bebop myself on out of the house and into my cute little red Honda civic, put the key in the ignition, and what happens? NOTHING! Not even a clicking sound, my car was dead dead dead! I start to panic, because I absolutely loathe being late! So I had to make the call to my boss telling her I was about to be late, how late I wasn't sure because my husband was about 30 or 45 min away for work!  I think at this point I realized that the lights had been left on for over 24 hours!!! Now tell me, why in the world would he have the lights on when it was sunny outside yesterday? 

Anyways, Jeremy made it home jumped off the Honda, and I skidded off to work! Now let me tell you, I have the sweetest husband, he actually called my boss to apologize and tell her it was all his fault!!! Awwwww, right? Isn't that the cutest!? Today I actually like him, quite a lot! I know I know, mushy gushy lameness, but some days I don't like him this much so he deserves it today!