If you are like us, you spent this past weekend binging on Christmas movies on ABC Family! Jeremy and I have had the plague for about a week and a half now. And when I say plague, I really mean bronchitis. With it's wonderful horrendous cough that has kept us awake most nights, and the wonderful mucus coming out of our noses and throats. It was fun. So we really needed a weekend of relaxation and rest,considering I still felt like I was dying. I still have that raspy quality to my voice from all the coughing. Tis the season, I suppose.
Now that I am FINALLY starting to feel human again, and rested! I am so super excited for Christmas! From Thanksgiving to New Years is my fave time of the year! I just enjoy what the season brings, and the feel of giving and being around loved ones. I literally cannot stand to wait for people to open their presents from me. It normally isn't much, and I don't spend a ton of money but I am always so excited! I have all these amazing gifts under my tree for our friends and family, and I've been DYING literally dying for everyone to recieve and open their presents. Now, for my friends and family who live in other states, we all know how terrible I am about mailing things out (Sorry Daddy)-I am equally excited for you guys to get your gifts, I just haven't mailed them yet!
I did 97% of all of my Christmas shopping online this year! THANK YOU PINTEREST AND ETSY! The only stores that I actually purchased gifts from were TJ MAXX and the Dollar Tree! I did not, however, get out my Christmas Cards this year. I was on it with the presents, seeing as how they were all bought by December. But my Christmas Cards, are still sitting in the box with my address book, pen, and stamps! Oops sorry guys, maybe next year! I was lucky enough to have all of my Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving (Stop judging me, we went out of town the weekend after so we had to decorate early). Here are a few of those pics:
With all of that said, I'd like to reflect on the resason for the Season for a moment. With the hooplah that Christmas has turned into, all the give me give me attitudes, all the sales and the fighting that happens for something that isn't even being sold at that good of a price. I think as a whole our society has lost sight of what Christmas is really about! It isn't about Santa Claus and what he's bringing me. It's about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! It's about giving, and being with family! And it's about loving each other. I was lucky enough to be able to go out into Charleston, with my coworkers for an evening of doing Random Acts of Kindness, and yes I said lucky. Because, I was able to spend my time and my money, to do for others. People who don't even know me. I also did a Secret Santa type thing for a family. I am lucky to do these things, because I have a job and the means to do a little bit for my community. It also made me incredibly happy to do for those who could do nothing for me in return.
"But the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid, for look I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord, was born for you in the City of David. This will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough." Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to the people He favors!" Luke 2:10-14
And on that note, I'd like to wish all of you my precious readers a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for reading my ramblings over the last year! I am incredibly grateful that you choose to spend some of your time, reading my random thoughts! Merry Christmas to you and your families!
Please enjoy my favorite Christmas song of all time, love this version!
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