I believe I asked my mother this very question, a few hundred times. This is still a question I ask myself daily! How do I do that? How do I get that stain out? How do I combat mildew in the bathroom? The "how do I " questions are endless!
Thanks to Pinterest, I've discovered a new love for cooking and baking! The last couple of weeks I've made at least one real homemade meal, and when I say homemade I mean literally homemade. Fresh veggies, standing in front of the stove cooking, chopping veggies, making chicken stock, etc... It's definitely a good way to promote a healthier lifestyle in our home!
Tonight's spread was Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup! I have to say, I've been impressed with myself! Especially with last weeks spaghetti squash meal!
Which I was incredibly impressed with, as was the hubby! I wish I had taken a better photo than what I got of it, everything on the plate looked bland and gross so I'll show you the prep pics instead: 
I discovered a local farmers market that made me so incredibly happy! I was like a kid in a candy store, just ask Lauren (who was on the phone with me the entire time). I will say, I found it difficult to cut open the spaghetti squash, I was scared I was going I chop my fingers off or my entire hand for that matter!
Now the rest of the housewifing, I find trouble with. It seems the cleaning is never ending! Why haven't they invented homes that clean themselves yet!? There are days where I find myself proud of how hard I worked on the house and of how much I was a me to get done. Then there are other days where the couch and our packed DVR are much more appealing! Sometimes the motivation just isn't there! I've found and even printed out cleaning schedules from Pinterest, they just get shoved behind other things on the fridge! I'm definitely better than I used to be, but have a looooooong way to go with the whole Dosmetic Goddess business!
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