About two weeks ago, Jeremy and I talked about an opportunity that had arisen for me to sell Mary Kay. You see, this is an area my thoughts had dabbled in for a couple of months now, a friend if mine used to sell it and now only uses it for the discounts. So I had talked to her extensively about it, and then one day a lady named Melissa walks into work. Melissa you see is a top tier Pink Cadillac driving Mary Kay director! This girl knows what she's doing, so I decided to pick her brain. The next day, I signed up as a brand new Mary Kay Consultant, and ordered my Starter Kit!
When it came in, I got ridiculously excited! Here is this golden opportunity to a) make good money on the side b) meet new women and make them feel beautiful and get them involved with this amazing company that is all about empowering women and c) discounts on makeup!
I ordered my inventory and set a date for my very first party! My inventory came in last night, and my first party is Saturday! We are currently swimming in a sea of pink in black at our home! hehehe poor J! I am beyond excited, and I hope some of you are willing to join me on this journey! Either by hosting a party, which gets you great prizes and discounts off products, or by signed up as a team member with me! Who doesn't want to have fun, feel beautiful and empowered, and help change the lives of other women?! I am stoked! Please feel free to check out my website:
To peruse products, or if you're thinking about joining you can also get great information there as well!